Imai Gazette 8/10/23

Principal’s Message: 


Dear Imai Families,

Happy first week of school! We are so excited to see all of the smiling faces back in the classroom. Our teachers spent the last three days getting ready to welcome our students and planning lessons for a great wonderful start of the school year.  

Looking forward to seeing you at our first principal’s coffee on Monday, 08/14 at 8:30 AM (register here)

Welcome Back to School!

Upcoming events: 

  • iReady D1 Reading grades 1-2, Math 3-5 - August 14
  • iReady D1 Math 1-2, Reading 3-5 - August 16
  • Back-To-School-Night - August 22


The parking lot tends to get very congested during pick up and dismissal so please be patient and courteous to our staff who are guiding traffic.   Our parking lot is designated for staff. Please park in the street and walk your child to school. 

Parents are allowed on campus in the morning before school starts and after school ends. To ensure student and staff safety, Imai is a closed campus between the hours of 8:10am and 3pm on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday (8:10am-12:15 pm on Thursday). We do encourage parents to drop students off at the front gate as this promotes student independence and has proven helpful with the transition to school. Dogs are not allowed on campus so please leave them at home. 


Medication Forms

If your child requires medication to be kept at school, please pick up medication release forms from the office during our first week of school and return ASAP (we cannot administer any medication without a doctor’s note). 

Free Snack and Lunch

School meals are free.  MVWSD will continue to provide free meals to all students in the 2023-24 school year. Snacks and lunches are available daily.  Menus and nutritional analysis can be found on There will be a vegetarian option each day. Students may bring their own self-contained lunches if desired.  

Please reach out to me if you have any questions. My email is [email protected].  In case you didn’t get a chance to read the Welcome Back letter

Have a wonderful rest of the week.

Arline Siam


Upcoming Events



14- Principal’s Coffee at 8:30 am  (register here)

22- Back to School Night 6pm-8pm (Minimum Day)

24- SSC at 3:30pm


4- Labor Day (No School)

7- Bookmobile at 12pm 

12- ELAC at 5:30pm

15- Principal’s Coffee at 8:30 am 

21- SSC at 3:30pm



Reporting Absences

If you are reporting a student's absence, please email [email protected] or call the attendance line at (650)526-3490 ext 3080.

Reminder: Please include your student's name, your student's room or teacher, the reason for absence, the date of absence(s) and the relationship of the person leaving the message. Thank you from the office staff!





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