
All absences (for a reason other than COVID) from school must be reported to the school office to ensure correct accounting of students.
To report an absence or late arrival . . .
Call the office at (650) 526-3490, ext. 3080.

To report a COVID absence using our online form

  * click here if your child is absent due to COVID.

When calling ...

Provide the following information:
date of absence
student's name, grade and room number
reason for absence
name and relationship of the person reporting the absence

Excused absences are limited to illness, doctor and dentist appointments and bereavement. All other absences will be considered unexcused. If no reason is stated in your message, the absence will be considered unexcused.
Continue to call each day the student is absent.

Request make-up work from the student's teacher before 10 a.m. by leaving a message in the teacher's voice mailbox.
For planned absences and partial day absences, provide advance notice to the office and the student's teacher.
All students leaving school prior to dismissal must be signed out in the office by an authorized individual.

General Guidelines:
Regular attendance and on-time arrival is expected of each student.

Family trips should be scheduled outside of the 180 days of school.

When an extended absence cannot be avoided (emergencies), Independent Study Contracts may be available for a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 14 days. Advanced notice of at least two weeks to the office and the teacher is required. Contact the office for additional details.

Once you have accrued three unexcused absences, you should expect a truancy letter from the district office. Three or more unexcused absences (and/or unexcused tardies in excess of 30 minutes) will result in truancy procedures and possible review by the state Attendance Review Board.

Whenever possible, medical and dental appointments should be scheduled before or after school.

Students should stand in line upon arrival in the stop designated by their classroom.

Students arriving late must get a tardy slip from the office prior to entering class.
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