Imai Gazette 01/24/24

Principal’s Message: 

Dear Imai Families,

Has your child started the Kindness Challenge? This whole week we want to see random acts of kindness from our students. We want to empower our students to create a culture of kindness not only during kindness week but every day. 

Our Children’s Business Fair is coming back. We are looking for young entrepreneurs with creative business ideas, who love to create, make, build and innovate to showcase their entrepreneurial spirit and skills. If that is you, come join us and let's have some fun! Our young kid-preneurs will develop a brand, create a product or service, build a marketing strategy, and engage with customers at our AM business fair marketplace. Parents and students in grades 2-5 who are interested in wanting to learn more must attend a mandatory meeting on February 1st from 5:30-6:30PM in the MUR. 


Upcoming Events 

ELAC Meeting 01/26  from 8:10-9:10 AM in the staff room (Topic: English Language Learner Assessment)

Lunar New Year- If your family celebrates Lunar New Year and you would like to share with our students during our assembly, please email me. We have scheduled our assemblies for February 26 from 12:30-1:30 PM (TK-K 12:30 and K-5 1:00PM)

Art Show Volunteer Form (Open House week of March 21st)

Have a wonderful rest of the week.

Arline Siam


Upcoming Events


26- ELAC at 8:15 am (In-Person)



8- SSC at 3:30pm

9- Principal’s Coffee at 8:30 am 

16- End of trimester (Minimum Day)

19-23- Winter Break (No School)



Reporting Absences

If you are reporting a student's absence, please email [email protected] or call the attendance line at (650)526-3490 ext 3080.

Reminder: Please include your student's name, your student's room or teacher, the reason for absence, the date of absence(s) and the relationship of the person leaving the message. Thank you from the office staff!

District News:

The Board of Trustees will meet on Thursday, Jan. 25 at 6:00 p.m.

Some of the topics include:

* Black History Month Resolution

* i-Ready Diagnostic 2 Assessment Update

* Artificial Intelligence (AI) Impact on Our Schools

For meeting details and agenda, please click here:


Student enrollment in MVWSD for next year is open now!

Enrollment for next fall for all students in the Mountain View Whisman School District is open now at

For CURRENT students in transitional kindergarten-7th grade: Parents, click on the link in your email to confirm enrollment before February 9.

For families enrolling NEW students, please prepare to register your student:

Learn more about the documents you’ll need. Click here for the video. Please check  to locate your neighborhood school, how to explore school options and the four steps to register before February 9.   

Do you need in-person help to register your child? Sign up at and attend any of the help sessions:

  • Castro  Elementary, January 24 @ 5-7 p.m. and January 30 @ 5-7 p.m.
  • Jose Antonio Vargas Elementary, January 31 @ 5-7 p.m.
  • Theuerkauf Elementary, February 1 @ 5-7 p.m.


The District is beginning its annual process of updating the LCAP (Local Control Accountability Plan)

This input collected will guide the update of our District plan for the 2024-25 school year. Look for a meeting at your school to learn more about the LCAP process.

Please click on your unique survey link sent to your email on Jan. 29. Your responses are confidential. Students in grades 4-8 will also be taking the LCAP survey. More information found here:


Better Together: January

“There are all kinds of courage," said Dumbledore, smiling. "It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends." - J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

Sometimes, being a good ally might mean standing up to our friends to protect someone else. In the month of January, MVWSD students will explore the essential question: How do I have a difficult conversation with someone? A thoughtful ally finds a way to express themselves respectfully and with an open mind. For more information about Better Together, visit



MVEF will hold its Annual Fundraising Gala on Saturday, April 27, 2024. The MVEF Gala is an opportunity for parents, teachers, business leaders and community members to come together to support local schools. Come be part of an awesome community building evening with dinner, fundraising activities, music and fun! Save the date Saturday, April 27 in Mountain View.  Tickets go on sale soon.






Hello Parents, Happy New Year!

  1. Purchase your yearbooks here: 
  1. Keep uploading this year’s school event photos to our Google Drive:
  2. Volunteers are needed! So far we only have volunteers for Rooms 9, 16 and 17. Yearbook is looking for at least one volunteer from each classroom. No experience required- any necessary training would be provided. If you have any experience working on a yearbook- even better! It’s fun and easy. Email [email protected]


All students and families are invited to join us for our 3rd annual Walkathon (school event and fundraiser) on Saturday March 16th.  Check your weekly Friday Folders for more information and registration details.  






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