01/05/22 Imai Gazette

Principal’s Message: 

Dear Imai Families,

Happy New Year! I can’t believe it’s 2022 already. We are very excited to be back at school together again. But we want to do our best to make sure that each and every one of our community members feels and stays safe and healthy. We can all do our part by continuing to wash our hands, wear our masks, and to make sure you test your child with the test kits  that are in their backpack today. The only way we can do this is by working together! https://mvwsd.org/test (for more information).

Don’t forget to upload your child’s vaccine card to PowerSchool after their second dosage. If you have any trouble uploading, please email me or [email protected] for assistance. 

Next week is Parent/Teacher virtual conferences. Please make sure you have signed up for a slot. This is an opportunity for you to find out how your child is doing and ways that you can support their learning at home. 

Be well! Stay healthy!


Arline Siam


Upcoming Events



-7- Principal’s Coffee at 8:30 am register here

-10-14- Conference Week Minimum Day

-17 - Martin Luther King  Jr Day No School

-20 - SSC at 3:15pm

Reporting Absences

If you are reporting a student's absence, please email
[email protected] or call the attendance line at (650)526-3490 ext 3080.

Reminder: Please include your student's name, your student's room or teacher, the reason for absence, the date of absence(s) and the relationship of the person leaving the message. Thank you from the office staff!

District News:

Board meeting Preview: Jan. 6

The Board of Trustees will meet on Thursday, Jan. 6 at 6 p.m. Some of the meeting’s topics include:

  • Security Cameras Project Update and Policy

  • Annual Preschool Self-Evaluation

For meeting details and agenda, please click here: https://www.mvwsd.org/trustees.

 Superintendent's Community Check In on Friday, Jan. 7

Please join us for our Community Check-In with Dr. Ayindé Rudolph on Friday, Jan 7 at 3:30 p.m. Bring your questions. Spanish interpretation will be provided. Click here to register: http://mvw.sd/CCJan7. To plan ahead, please see this webpage for upcoming meeting dates. In case you miss it, a video recording will be posted on this webpage.

Attendance is important: Parent notifications ramp up in January

Research shows that school attendance is a strong indicator of success. It's about students learning what they need to know, belonging to the school community, and being part of the team that is preparing them with good habits for high school.

Letters: beginning in January, MVWSD will send letters to parents of any student who is truant (any three unexcused absences and/ or tardies over 30 minutes means a child is truant). These letters inform parents when students have had three or more unexcused absences and inform families of next steps and any resources or procedures in place to help their family get their child to school regularly.

Calls: In January, MVWSD schools will also begin using an automated system to notify parents when a student is absent from school. This automated call will alert a parent that a student has been marked absent.  This is important for the safety of your child and for our attendance accounting.  Please ensure we have the reason for your child’s absence. 

It’s possible that you might receive a call after you have notified the office of the absence. We apologize for any inconvenience that this additional call may cause. This process helps us to maintain a safe school environment and support your child and family. Thank you for your support.

Parent-Teacher Conferences are Jan. 10-14. Minimum day for students. Sign up for conferences!

Parent-Teacher (Student) Conferences present a valuable opportunity to discuss your child’s progress, strengths and needs, and work with your teacher to help your child have a successful academic experience. Conference week is scheduled for January 10-14, 2022. Every day that week is a minimum day for students. 

“Parent University: Effective Parent-Teacher Communication & Tips for Conference Week”
Date: January 5, 2022, 5:30-7:00pm  Registration Link: http://mvw.sd/pu010522

Please join us for a thorough discussion on effective communication between home and school and tips on how to have a successful parent-teacher conference. A panel of parents, principals and teachers from Elementary School and Middle School will provide helpful feedback on how to approach difficult topics when talking to your child’s teacher or office staff. Parents will also learn how to read and understand the school report cards. 

To submit questions prior to the event, go to mvw.sd/questions. We will do our best to address your question during the session.

Please upload your child’s completed vaccine card

Many of our younger students are getting their 2nd COVID vaccine shot this week. When your child's vaccine card has their second shot listed, please upload a copy to Powerschool. Vaccine cards will be referred to in the case of a positive COVID exposure for your student, and MVWSD needs accurate data for decisions about COVID protocols. Click here for a video that shows you how to upload documents: https://vimeo.com/606954357.Thank you in advance for uploading your documents now!

Preschool information meetings: Jan. 12 and Jan. 26

The award-winning MVWSD Preschool Program is currently accepting applications for full- and part-day for the 2022-23 school year

All 4-year-olds residing in the Castro School boundaries are now eligible for FREE, part-day state preschool at Latham.

Our preschool offers age-appropriate early math, language, literacy and science inquiry instruction, as well as social-emotional development in either part-day and full-day classes.

*** Join us for an info meeting on January 12 at 3:30 pm (Spanish) at Zoom link: http://mvw.sd/PK112 or January 26 at 3:30 pm (English) at Zoom link: http://mvw.sd/PK126 ***

Children who will be 3- or 4-years old at any time during the school year are eligible. Priority enrollment is for children who will be 4 years old by Sept. 1.  Full day is 8 a.m.- 3 p.m., part-day is 3 hrs in the morning or afternoon.

Now accepting applications for full- and part-day spaces. Enrollment appointments begin in March. For more info go to www.mvwsd.org/preschool or call 650-526-3560.

Parent University: Managing Stress and Fostering Resiliency

Date: 1/19/22  Registration Link: http://mvw.sd/pu011922

Does hearing about stress make you feel stressed out? Let’s face this universal phenomenon together. This presentation will:

  • Identify common stressors and the effects of stress

  • Explore tips for stress management for oneself

  • Provide tips on how to support our kids with stress management 

To submit questions prior to the event, please click here. We will do our best to address your question during the session.

Open Enrollment for all MVWSD students starts in January

For CURRENT students in transitional kindergarten-7th grade: Parents will be asked by email to confirm enrollment from January 24-28.

For NEW students:  Open Enrollment is from January 10 through Feb. 4, 2022 online. You can register your child for the 2022-23 school year when online registration opens here:  www.mvwsd.org/register 

Please visit www.mvwsd.org/register for more information.

MVEF Gala Save the Date - March 19, 2022!

The MVEF Gala Committee is hard at work ensuring that our Annual Gala on March 19th will be a fun evening that raises funds for our schools. We are still working out all the details as current conditions shift - so stay tuned! We do know that Trivia will be back as will our annual raffle. If you'd like to join the planning committee, please contact Andrea Maes at [email protected].

Mentor Tutor Connection Volunteer Information Session - Jan. 11th

You can change the life of a student!  Come learn about volunteer opportunities to Mentor high school students and Tutor students in grades K-8  in our Mountain View and Los Altos schools. Becoming a Mentor or Tutor will add joy to your life and help a student in our local community to a brighter future! There is no obligation to sign up as a volunteer.  You're welcome to just come and learn more about what we do. 

Date:             Tuesday, January 11th
Time:            12:00 - 1:00 pm
Location:     Online via Zoom (URL provided upon registration
Register:       REGISTER ONLINE
Questions:    [email protected]
Information:  MentorTutorConnection.org


If you are interested in learning more about the program but cannot attend the information session, please email [email protected] for information on how to proceed.


Mountain View Community Shuttle EXPANDED HOURS 

Thanks to new VTA funding, the City of Mountain View is pleased to announce that the Mountain View Community Shuttle will expand weekday hours to better serve our community. 

Beginning Monday, January 3, 2022, the Shuttle’s weekday hours will be 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Weekend service hours will remain 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. For more information, please call Customer Service at: 855-730-RIDE (7433) or check MVCommunityShuttle.com.


MVPL Event: How to Make Comics with Gabriela Epstein 

Come meet Gabriela Epstein, a New York Times best selling illustrator known for the Baby-Sitters Club middle grade graphic novel adaptations and more, on Wednesday, January 12, 2022 from 2:30pm - 3:30pm. In this free program, Gabriela will share with us how to utilize a three act structure in comics, and do an interactive comic making demo with us. For children ages 7-12. Registration is required: mountainview.gov/librarycalendar.




MVLA Speaker Series 2021 - 2022_Annual Line-up.docx 

Parent U 2021-22 (English)

2021 PC - MVWSD 

MV Community Shuttle Service Expansion (English and Spanish)

Gabriela Epstein Flyer 






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